Robert N. Johnson

Robert N. Johnson
216A Middlebush Hall
(573) 884-6210

PhD University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill


I’m a moral philosopher, at the University of Missouri-Columbia since 1993. Before that, in 1993 I was awarded a PhD in philosophy at UNC-Chapel Hill. Before that, in 1986 I was awarded an M.A. in philosophy at the University of Oregon. Just prior to that, in 1984 I was awarded a B.S. in philosophy at the University of Oregon. Some years before that, in 1976, I graduated from Roseburg High School in Roseburg, OR.


Ethical Theory

Select Publications


Johnson, R. (Forthcoming). Kant’s critique of practical reason. Oxford University Press.

Johnson, R.N., & Smith, M. (Eds.). (2015). Passions and projections: Themes from the philosophy of Simon Blackburn. Oxford University Press.

Timmons, M., & Johnson , R.N. (Eds.). (2015). Reason, value, and respect: Kantian themes from the philosophy of Thomas E. Hill, Jr. Oxford University Press. 

Johnson, R.N. (2011). Self-Improvement: An Essay in Kantian Ethics. Oxford University Press.

Selected Publications:

Johnson, R. (Forthcoming). Kantian deontology. In J.P. Rawling (Ed.) Oxford handbook of deontology. Oxford University Press.

Johnson, R. (2024). Method of pure practical reason. In S. Baiasu & M. Timmons (Eds.), The Kantian mind pp. 189-198). Routledge.

Johnson, R. (Forthcoming). Principles first. In M. Timmons (Ed.), Oxford studies in normative ethics. Oxford University Press. 

Johnson, R. (Forthcoming). Why be moral? In D. Copp & C. Rosati (Eds.), Oxford handbook of metaethics. Oxford University Press.

Johnson, R., & Cureton, A. (2022). Kant’s moral philosophy. In E.N. Zalta & U. Nodelman (Eds.), The Stanford encyclopedia of philosophy.

Johnson, R. (2021). Courage. In J. Wuerth (Ed.), Cambridge Kant lexicon. Cambridge University Press.

Johnson, R. (2021). Duties to self. In J. Wuerth (Ed.), Cambridge Kant lexicon. Cambridge University Press.

Johnson, R., & Cureton, A. (2017). Kant's moral philosophy. The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.

Gaus, G., Timmons, M., & Johnson, R. N. (2015). Private and public conscience. Reason, Value, and Respect: Kantian Themes from the Philosophy of Thomas E. Hill Jr, 135-157.

Johnson, R.N., & Smith, M. (2015). Introduction. In R.N., Johnson, & M. Smith (Eds.), Passions and projections: Themes from the philosophy of Simon Blackburn (pp. ix-xiv), Oxford University Press.

Timmons, M., & Johnson, R.N. (2015). Introduction. In M. Timmons & R.N. Johnson (Eds.), Reason, value, and respect: Kantian themes from the philosophy of Thomas E. Hill, Jr. Oxford University Press. 

Johnson, R.N. (2015). Virtue and right revisited [PEA Soup Blog]. Retrieved from

Johnson, R.N. (2015). Entries: Anlage, (moralische, ursprünglische), Depositum, Eudämonismus, Gebot, & Ideal (moralisches). In G. Mohr, J. Stolzenberg, & M. Willaschek (Eds.), Kant-Lexicon. De Gruyter. 

Johnson, R.N. (2011). Self-improvement as an imperfect duty. In R.N. Johnson (Ed.), Self-improvement: An essay in Kantian ethics, Oxford University Press.

Johnson, R.N. (2010). Self-development as an imperfect duty. Moral cultivation: Essays on the development of character and virtue (pp. 125-146), Lexington Books.

Johnson, R.N. (2010). Duties to and regarding others. In L. Denis (Ed.), Kant's metaphysics of morals: A critical guide, Cambridge University Press.

Johnson, R.N. (2009). Good will and the moral worth of acting from duty. In T. E. Hill (Ed.), The Blackwell Guide to Kant's Ethics (pp. 17-51). Blackwell.

Johnson, R.N. (2009). The moral law as causal law. In J. Timmermann (Ed.), Kant’s groundwork of the Metaphysics of morals: A critical guide, Cambridge University Press.

Johnson, R.N. (2008). Was Kant a virtue ethicist? In M. Betzler (Ed.), Kant's ethics of virtue (pp. 7-28), De Gruyter.

Johnson, R.N. (2007). Self-development as an imperfect duty. In B. Wilburn (Ed.), Moral cultivation: Essays on the development of character and virtue. Lexington Books.

Johnson, R. N. (2007). Prichard, Falk, and the end of deliberation. Canadian Journal of Philosophy Supplementary Volume, 33, 131–147.

Johnson, R.N. (2007). Value and autonomy in Kantian ethics. In R. Shafer-Landau (Ed.), Oxford studies in metaethics (Vol. 2) (pp. 133-148), Oxford University Press.

Johnson, R.N. (2006). Practical reason. In D. Borchert (Ed.), Encyclopedia of philosophy (Vol. 7) (pp. 735-738),

Johnson, R. (2005). Entries: Obligation, Relativism. In M.C. Horowitz (Ed.) New dictionary of the history of ideas (Vol. 5) (pp. 1658-1663, 2035-2039), Scribner & Sons.

Johnson, R.N. (2003). Virtue and right. Ethics, 113(4), 810-834. Reprinted in:

  • Sterba, J.P. (Ed.). (2009). Ethics: The big questions (2nd ed.) (pp. 400-408), Blackwell.
  • Grim, P., Ludlow, P. & Mar, G. (Eds.) (2009). The Philosopher’s Annual 26. CSLI Piblications.
  • Timmons, M. (Ed.) (2012). Conduct and character: Readings in moral theory (pp. 187-194), Wadsworth.
  • Cahn, S.M., & Forceheims, A.T. (Eds.). (2016). Principles of moral philosophy: Classical and contemporary sources. Oxford University Press.

Johnson, R.M. (2003). Internal reasons: Reply to Brady, Gert and van Roojen. The Philosophical Quarterly 53(213), 573-580.

Johnson, R.M. (2003). Internal reasons and the conditional fallacy. The Philosophical Quarterly, 49(194), 53-72.

Johnson, R.N. (2002). Happiness as a natural end. In M. Timmons (Ed.), Kant's metaphysics of morals: Interpretive essays (pp. 637-665), Oxford University Press.

Johnson, R.N. (2002). Review of ‘The Authority of Reason’ by J. Hampton. Mind, 111(443), 676-79.

Johnson. R.N. (2001, August 10). Commentary on moral cognitivism and motivation [Web log post]. Retrieved from

Johnson, R.N. (1999). Internal reasons and the conditional fallacy. The Philosophical Quarterly, 49(194), 53-71.

Johnson, R.N. (1998). Weakness incorporated. History of Philosophy Quarterly, 15(3), 349-367.

Johnson, R.N. (1998). Minding one's manners: Revisiting moral explanations. Philosophical Studies: An International Journal for Philosophy in the Analytic Tradition, 90(2), 181-203.

Johnson, R. N. (1997). Kant’s conception of virtue. Jahrbuch für Recht und Ethik / Annual Review of Law and Ethics, 5, 365–387.

Johnson, R. N. (1997). Review of Kantian ethics almost without apology, by M. W. Baron. The Philosophical Review, 106(4), 594–596.

Johnson, R.N. (1997). Reasons and advice for the practically rational. Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, 57(3), 619-625. 

Johnson, R.N. (1997). Love in vain. Southern Journal of Philosophy, XXXVI Supplement, 45-50.

Johnson, R.N. (1996). Kant’s conception of merit. Pacific Philosophical Quarterly, 77(4), 310-334.

Johnson, R.M. (1996). Expressing a good will: Kant on the motive of duty. The Southern Journal of Philosophy, 34(2), 147-168.

Johnson, R.M. (1996). Deontological ethics. In University of Stanford (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Supplement), Macmillan.

Johnson. R.N. (2001, August 10). Commentary on moral cognitivism and motivation [Web log post]. Retrieved from

Johnson, R. (1996, September 12). Hurka on Rational Regret [Web commentary on Thomas Hurka's "Monism, Pluralism and Rational Regret,” in Ethics, 106(3), 555-575. Retrieved from

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