Philip Robbins
Philip Robbins

PhD, University of Chicago
AB, Harvard University
Experimental Ethics, Moral Psychology, Philosophy of Psychology
Aesthetics, Applied Epistemology, Ethics, Experimental Philosophy, Logic, Moral Psychology, Philosophy of Psychology
"Moral categorization and mind perception," in The Cambridge Handbook of Moral Psychology (edited, with B. F. Malle), Cambridge University Press (2025)
"Modern moral psychology: An introduction to the terrain" (with B. F. Malle), in The Cambridge Handbook of Moral Psychology (edited, with B. F. Malle), Cambridge University Press (2025)
The Cambridge Handbook of Moral Psychology (edited, with B. F. Malle), Cambridge University Press (2025)
"Deformative experience: Explaining the effects of adversity on moral evaluation" (with F. Alvear), Social Cognition (2023)
"Good deeds and hard knocks: The effect of past suffering on praise for moral behavior" (with F. Alvear and P. Litton), Journal of Experimental Social Psychology (2021)
"Crime, punishment, and causation: The effect of etiological information on the perception of moral agency" (with P. Litton), Psychology, Public Policy, and Law (2018)
"Modularity of mind," Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (2017)
"Philosophizing the social brain," Cognitive Systems Research (2015)
"More than a feeling: Counterintuitive effects of compassion on moral judgment" (with A. I. Jack et al.), in J. Sytsma (ed.), Advances in Experimental Philosophy of Mind, Bloomsbury Academic (2014)
"Modularity and mental architecture," WIREs Cognitive Science (2013)
"The phenomenal stance revisited" (with A. I. Jack), Review of Philosophy and Psychology (2012)
"Experimental philosophy" (with J. Knobe et al.), Annual Review of Psychology (2012)
The Cambridge Handbook of Situated Cognition (edited, with M. Aydede). Cambridge University Press (2009)
"A short primer on situated cognition" (with M. Aydede), in The Cambridge Handbook of Situated Cognition. Cambridge University Press (2009)
"Consciousness and the social mind," Cognitive Systems Research (2008)
"Minimalism and modularity," in G. Preyer and G. Peter (eds.), Context-Sensitivity and Semantic Minimalism. Oxford University Press (2007)
"The ins and outs of introspection," Philosophy Compass (2006)
"The phenomenal stance" (with A. I. Jack), Philosophical Studies, 127 (2006)
"The myth of reverse compositionality," Philosophical Studies, 125 (2005)
For Spring 2025:
Mondays 2:00-3:00 pm
Fridays 1:00-2:00 pm