Graduate Student Organization

Advisor: Peter Vallentyne

The Philosophy Graduate Student Organization is a recognized student organization. The Philosophy Graduate Student Organization may request funds for (i) conference travel, (ii) visiting speakers, (iii) social and educational events, and (iv) outreach.  Elections for the officer positions are held at the beginning of each fall semester.

The Philosophy Graduate Student Organization also coordinates some departmental functions performed by graduate students or faculty. Functions include those related to admissions, orientations, student resources, presentations, and outside speakers. The organization meets monthly, and all philosophy graduate students are encouraged to attend.

For more information, please visit and join our Engage page:


President: Argon Gruber
Vice President: [vacant]
Secretary: [vacant]
Treasurer: [vacant]
GPC Representative: Dan McFarland
Representative to Faculty Meetings: Travis Holmes
Missouri Philosophy Forum Program Co-ordinator: [vacant]